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WATSU®…An aquatic pain reliever?

Finally, there is a non-invasive, non-addictive approach to temporary pain relief. If you or someone you know battles with pain management, you know how challenging and time consuming it can be to live a “normal”, pain-free life.


WATSU®, Water Shiatsu or Floating Lotus therapy are some of the names used for this type of massage and joint pain therapy. It has been described as “the most relaxing kind of body work in the world”. It uses the principles of Zen Shiatsu, which strengthens muscles and increases flexibility. It combines elements of massage, joint mobilization, shiatsu, muscle stretching and dance. WATSU® is described as a “touch” therapy that instantly creates a feeling of total relaxation.


So, what is WATSU® exactly? It is a form of water therapy, which focuses on the relief of joint and muscle pain. This form of body work, or water massage, is done in a warm shallow pool, as water has always been known to act as a transmitter for energy and relaxation.


This almost weightless, three-dimensional environment makes it possible to move and stretch in deeply beneficial ways that are simply not possible to achieve on the massage table. You are continuously held as the practitioner moves you through gentle stretches, massage and trigger point work, releasing muscular and joint restrictions. With the weight off the vertebra and joints, water allows much greater movement and flexibility of the core musculature, spine and joints. This makes it possible for WATSU® stretches to be quite different than any on land. Pre-natal and post-natal WATSU® classes are also available.


The water is kept warm, around 92°, for comfort and to facilitate deeper relaxation. The warm water also helps create a connection between a person’s heart and their breathing. The patient is supported in warmth and safety, which allows the muscles and fascia to become free to give up their long held patterns of holding onto tension and pain. The mind is now free to quiet itself and receive this new, tranquil energy.


WATSU® will benefit nearly every client, however, WATSU® may be most valuable for those clients who are having difficulty working on functional activities secondary to pain, muscle spasm, or spasticity. The following are some of the client populations which may benefit from WATSU®® as part of their treatment program:


  • Orthopedic impairments
  • Neurological impairments
  • Arthritis
  • Etc.


If you love water, especially warm water body work and energy work, this is for you. WATSU®’s physical and stress-reducing effects are deep, long lasting, and profound. WATSU® is used around the world by professional body-workers, physical therapists, and psychologists as well as the general public.


If you are ready to become more in touch with your inner self or you are looking for relief from chronic pain or muscle discomfort, we recommend you try WATSU® at the Floating Lotus. It a local facility in Austin and we have had a few of our own employees take on the experience of WATSU® themselves. Needless to say, they absolutely LOVED it! The average cost is around $95.00. For first timers you can experience an introductory session for around $70.00. Other types of Water Classes offered are:


  • Aqua Yoga
  • Water Aerobics
  • Water Tai Chi


You can find out more by visiting www.floatinglotuswatsuaustin.com.