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EASY POOLS NOVEMBER BLOG – 10 Reasons to Build Your Pool During the Fall or Winter

Many people believe the best time of year to build an in ground swimming pool is during the spring. This way you have a few months to plan, design and build your pool right before the temperatures start to rise and the summer heat kicks into full gear. Makes sense, right? Well, actually it’s quite the opposite. It is actually more beneficial for homeowners to build their pools towards the end of the year than at the beginning. Here are the top 10 reasons to build your pool during the fall or winter –

  • By waiting until the weather begins to cool, you miss the busiest time of pool- building season. This gives you a much better chance at finding a contractor without a lot of other jobs to divert their attention.
  • The moderate temperatures of fall are very conducive to working outside. The construction team won’t be thinking about how long it is until they can get inside in the air conditioning, meaning they can concentrate fully on building your pool. It also eliminates the possibility of heat exhaustion for the builders as well.
  • After you have the swimming pool of your dream, you will probably want to add to the overall aesthetics of your personal oasis and add some landscaping. We ask you, “What type of weather do you want to be outside working in?”
  • As the height of pool season winds down, pool contractors begin looking at their year-end numbers. This may open the window for you to negotiate better prices or take advantage of overstocked or soon to be discontinued inventory.
  • If you start building in spring, with the hopes of having the pool built in time for birthdays, holidays, that first 100o day, etc., an unexpected spring shower can really set back production. If you start in the fall, you can rest easy knowing that your pool will be up and ready to go for summer.
  • In Texas, we all know of the very real possibility of having our first heat wave as early as April and May. Getting your pool built in fall means when the temperatures being to rise in the spring, you are already prepared to start spending time in your new pool.
  • Most pools are not complete without the addition of a surrounding deck, patio or concrete walkway. Construction of the pool deck usually comes after the pool is built. Building the pool in fall allows you to split up the construction of pool and deck, and gives you a chance to save money all winter for the completion of the deck.
  • With any pool construction project, your yard and landscape can take a beating. Fall construction gives your yard a chance to recover over the winter before summer comes.
  • If you are installing a spa or hot tub along with your new pool, what better time to enjoy it than during the fall and winter months?
  • Taxes – As you approach the end of the year remember that your pool is not only a major purchase but also is considered a home improvement. For those of you who don’t know, home improvements can be claimed on your taxes. Imagine enjoying your new swimming pool in the spring and getting a nice tax refund within weeks of each other. Talk about complete backyard, pool-side zen.If you haven’t already noticed, the calendars all say November and Thanksgiving is right around the corner. Take advantage of this ideal time of year and give Easy Pools a call to begin designing your dream pool today!